Sunday, July 20, 2008

Farewell Nail

So my hand currently resembles that of an alien. Let explain.
The Saturday after Jill left I had a bike accident and now am missing a finger nail. I was mountain biking on a mount above Managua and, on the way back down, lost control of my bike. The bike cushioned its fall by landing on my fingers. Miraculously, I didn't break anything, but I did manage to scrap up a good portion of my body and break the nail from one of my fingers clean off. It was pretty gnarly looking. Consequently, I've had to do some serious r&r and haven't had any more exciting expeditions. I've just been getting a lot of reading done and hanging around Managua with colleagues from work.
On a completely unrelated note, I attached the below picture to add a little "meat" to this more bland than usual blog post, I put this picture in from a barbecue I went to a few weeks back. The pig was, in fact, quite tasty.
Hope everyone is doing well at home; I'll be back in only a few weeks.